Eat. Pray. Love. Laugh. Live.

DISCLAIMER: The thoughts, words and messages contained in this blog ARE reflective of the thoughts words and messages of the author - whom, by the way, is pretty much awesome.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

SEVEN hours

Why is it that I can ONLY sleep seven hours each night? I can definitely sleep less (mostly due to necessity, not choice) but not more than 7. Am I getting old?

This past week has been tortuous on my sleeping schedule - Monday night I was out late with some friends, Tuesday night I remembered at midnight that I HAD to do some laundry for the next day, Wednesday night I was up late chatting with the roommates, Thursday night the roommates & I went on a reconnaissance mission up to the hospital after-hours to deliver a very large batman balloon to our friend Wes who had broken his finger & was awaiting surgery on Friday morning. Friday came and my mom, aunt & cousin came in town to visit - we decided to go see Bourne at the drive-in. . .I guess this week caught up with me because I totally fell asleep. . .I guess I'll have to go see it again to find out what happens. I was exhausted last night so I went to bed at 10:30pm. . .however I was wide-awake at 5:30. . .now I'm just waiting for the sun to come up so that Jez & I can go running.

I have mixed emotions right now too - our roommates have switched out. Kelly left early Saturday morning to head back to El Paso and Cory came in yesterday evening to begin his Peds Ambulatory month. I'm so excited that he's here - but at the exact same time, I'm going to miss Kelly terribly. . .here is a picture of my old group of roomies - I guess we'll have to get an updated picture of the new set. God Bless!