Eat. Pray. Love. Laugh. Live.

DISCLAIMER: The thoughts, words and messages contained in this blog ARE reflective of the thoughts words and messages of the author - whom, by the way, is pretty much awesome.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Apparently, I'm a thief

I did my monthly Wal-Mart run - I bought all my groceries & odds & ins and had a basket full. . .I decided to go through the "self-checkout" line just for fun. At one point, the stupid thing told me that I had an "unscanned item in the bagging area." The lady came over to clear the machine & checked out my bags. "You must scan EVERY item" she saids to me, like I'm an idiot. As she goes through the offending bag she locates the source of the problem - I neglected to scan one set of lightblubs. . .it was an honest mistake - I was buying 4 sets of them, and I just ran them through the scanner one after another & I guess one set didn't register. (Note: 1 set of lightbulbs costs 77 cents). I scanned them again - put them back in the bag & all was well except that the lady gave me a "your a thief" look.

As I tried to leave Wal-Mart, the nice dude at the door informed me that I had been randomly selected for a basket audit "to check the integrity" of the machines and such. You'll never guess what happend. . .every item in my basket was on ticket. Imagine that!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

What Ada wants Ada gets

Ada requested that I put this picture up on my blog - since she's taking Step 1 super early - I decided to just do as she asks. I can't really comment on the picture at the present time due to circumstances beyond my controll - but you can. . . So I guess the "question of the day" is what is the meaning behind this picture? The most creative comment wins. . .

Monday, May 29, 2006

Starbucks, Studying, & Silliness

Last night I went to Starbucks with Ellen to read first aid (mostly because all the other coffee shops were closed.) We both sat in the "comfy" chairs for 3.5 hours...while we were there, two groups of high school kids came in. I would like to share with you some of their quotes:

Oh, thats just not fair, he just needs to turn straight and date ME!

They were really old. . .I think they were like thirty!

I brush my hair everyday - kind of like Marsha Brady.

This group was SO LOUD and obnoxious that I and another patron on the shop went out to our cars and grabbed our MP3 players so we could block out the noise. Around 11:30P, Ellen & I decided that we'd had enough of the coffee shop, so we started to grab our stuff. . .the first indication that we were leaving triggered a couple ALL THE WAY across the store to promptly JUMP up - they had been waiting like vultures to take our seats. . .they were funny & grateful to sit in the comfy chairs.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

She's a freakin' genious!

Last night while Ellen & I went to our friend Beth's house party, I left Ms. Jezabell in my garage because it looked like it might rain. I gave her some water & two of her toys. When I returned, I realized that my dog is indeed "a freakin' genious" becasue she "made her own dinner." Some of her food is kept in individual plastic bags (1 serving/bag) and there were apporoximately 12 bags of it in a sack, on a chair, in her reach. She got to the bags, removed only one, opened it & ate it. Now if I could only teach her how to turn the faucet on to get her own water. . .hmmmmm.

On another note, for all you readers of this blog - I have an enorumous favor to ask you. My fellow medical student commrades & I are about to take the first part of of Medical Licensing exam (aka: USMLE Step 1) and I know that they are probably just as panicked & unsure as I am about it. Please keep me & them in your prayers - pray that these last few weeks that we are able to study efficiently & effectively. I'm also going to include everyone's test date (note: if I either don't put up your test date, or put it up wrong, please let me know & I'll add it/correct it! I want to be praying for you!)

In order of exams:

May 5th - the beautiful & sexy Ms. Ada
May 12th - the georgious Larissa
May 16th - the HOT Mr. Cory & the brillant/beautiful Ms. Kelly
May 17th - the bold & beautiful Ms. Ellen
May 19th - the beautiful/adorible yet non-nosense Ms. Lina
May 23rd - the athletic & beautiful Ms. Rianne (and I think this is also Kirtana's date???)

Edit - all the dates should be JUNE instead of MAY - thanks Ellen!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Authenitc X3 Experience

Note: I'm not going to give anything away - so if you haven't watched X3, you can still read this.

Last night was my last "goof off" night before Step 1. We (Ellen, Kelly, Rianne, Leah, Mr. Leah, Ada, Cory, and I) went to the drive-in to see Xmen 3. It began as a beautiful night. . .six of us sitting out in our lawn chairs. . .then, as the movie started, a big scary-looking cloud moved in and decided to have a show of its own. Most everyone at the theater either left or got in their cars. . .everyone except for two georgious girls on the fifth row. . .Kelly & I stayed outside. The coolest thing was during the climax sequence - the setting for the movie was a stormy evening. . .and we were sitting out in a stormy setting. . .it was almost perfect.

I say "almost" perfect because even though I was having a good time & really into the movie - my thoughts would still "spritz" back to "you've only got two weeks left to study & you're not ready (for my test)." I stayed up late studying, then made myself go back to sleep at 6am and slept until 8am. I don't know if it was worth it or not though. . .I had my reocurring nightmare (prepare yourself to find out "one of larissa's greatest fear") I dreamt that one of my front teeth got chipped - it was very dramatic for me. (yes, I have a teeth feddish. . .but who wouldn't after spending two years in braces during your college years?) I'm off to SBs to learn stuff. PLEASE keep me in your prayers! (and all my other peeps who are going to take their tests beginning June 5-June 23).

Friday, May 26, 2006

Dear Law Students at CH

This is OUR coffee shop - that is OUR table & OUR plug. The whole "I'm in professional school and studying for this important test. . .look at me, look at me" - yeah, thats OURS too! Oh, and don't even pull that. . .I'm gonna study here for a few hours and not buy a drink till happy hour and then be a cheapscate and keep refilling it for free - because that is OURS too. I'm going to have to insist (in a passive aggressive way over BLOG) that you "move on". . .but if you MUST stay, then take a lesson from us med students and don't talk to your friends across the room outloud - use IM. . .plus that way you can make comments about your friends giving hot guys the "elevator eyes" - and no one is the wiser!

P.S. I will be seeing you again - you know those smoke breaks you take every hour. . .well in 20 years you'll be in my office with COPD or lung cancer. . .until then - peace out, find a new coffee shop & good luck on your bar exam!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I crack myself up!

I am currently sitting in the "best seat" of my house which I learned about from my dog, Jezabell. Everytime she's inside & I loose her - I know exactly where to find her. . .she's on the rug, in front of the couch, usually asleep. She's right. . .its the perfect spot - its right where the fan delievers a gentle breeze. . .however between 7:45a-11a, the stinkin sun shines though the window and makes it nearly impossible to see your computer screen. I've always been told that I was a creative child. . .so I went to work on my problem. . .

I first thought about going and buying curtains & hanging them. . .but that was too difficult (plus, what do I know about curtains. . .it would be like "decorating" my living room & then I would have to decide what the main color was to determine the appropriate accent color. . .thats what I have my interior designer friend Jamie for - but she's in China. . .ANYWAYS) - so I next tought about hanging a blanket from the binds. . .but even I think thats tacky. . .so what could provide shade for 3 hours during the day without me having to drill holes & was easily removalbe. . .the solution came to me. . .I am currently sitting in front of my couch with my umbrella. . .no, I'm not holding the dang thing - its propped on the couch, but the stinkin sun won't stay in the same place, so I have to keep moving it every 1.5 hours.

P.S. Dear Mr. Hot guy - scratch "radio" from your list and add "4 C batteries" - I think I fixed the radio with electrical tape.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Found something better

Well. . .I'm varying my schedule a little bit. . .no longer will I be so rigid and have to wake up at 6:40 - today I did something different - I got up at 6:15 and was at the park by 6:40. . .I liked that so well that I think tomorrow I'll get up at 6:00a. . .I'm afriad though that I'm going to have to increase my 22 minute afternoon naps to 34 minutes though. . .oh well! I did forget my stopwatch today - so I took my friend Rianne's advice & just ran to a song. . .the first song ironically had the phrase "it's like I can't breathe" in it over and over.

I did talk to/receive messages from several of my "bestest" friends yesterday which reminded me to pull my head out of the sand (or books as it may be.) Ms. Ada & I gripped back and forth about our test over IM(thanks dear!); Ms. Ellen FINALLY came back to the big L - so it was just good to talk to you in person; one of my friends got a new job (praise God!), another is having a baby this morning, and the other had a death in her family. I guess the world continues to turn regardless of Step 1.

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Jezabell went missing sometime between the hours of 3pm - 10pm on Sunday evening. The gate was found open by her georgious owner around 10:15pm, when she went out to feed her. Probable cause of the open gate was high winds which hit the Big L around 8:00pm or the heavy rain that hit around 9pm. The owner was studying at a local coffee shop during the time of the incident. Her owner spent over an hour canvasing the neighborhood and checking out the various jogging routes that the two took.

Update: She's been found - a neighbor & her dog found her hiding under a bush very near our house while it was pooring down rain. . .she took her in and called this morning. Of course the number had to be routed through South Carolina (to Landon) - but its all good. . .she's back & I told her that I'd escort her on a date with her boyfriend Bode to Sheradins this evening. Check out my friend Chris Anna's "other blog" - she wrote about me!

Preview of my "new life"

Yesterday I stayed at home. . .ALL day. . . and studied. I, as an extreme extrovert, struggled with it a little because I wasn't "with" people. Sure, I tried to humanize my book by calling it by a name ("Dia" if your were wondering, which is Aid backwards. . .yes, I was studying First Aid!") - but it just wasn't the same.

However, thanks to the wonderful world of technology (cell phones, IM), I did end up talking to seven of my "bestest" friends (the rest of you "bestest" friends need IM or to call). I realized that I am going to make it through the big "move" of over 2/3rds of my classmates & including 7 of my "bestest" friends. . .sure I may not see them on a daily basis, but they will still be there - wheter it be via IM, cell phone, or the random trips to El Paso, Amarillo, or them coming to the big L. . .they will be there.

To all my "bestest" friends. . .wherever you are & wherever you are going (or NOT going). . .May God be with you - as he is with me. I pray for each of you, by name, daily, and will continue to do so. If I haven't told you this before, then shame on me, but I love you! (but not in the weird way!)

P.S. Yes, I do have around 12 "bestest" friends. . .deal with it!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Adding spice to my life

I think there is an unwritten rule that if one blogs everyday - then they are a nerd/looser/whatever - well. . .guilty as charged. But at least I spice up my stories. . .they are (almost) always 100% true - just embelished a little - for instance, let me tell you about yesterday:

Yesterday, version 1 - I woke up late (8am) and thus did not go running. I ate the rest of my Freebirds burrito for brunch & then studied microbiology (boring!) from 10A-1:30P when I moved to CH & continued to study microb. . .which was still boring. Rich & Renee (peeps from my class) were both there and offered words of enouragement. Rianne came in sometime between 5 & 6. . .we talked, mostly over IM & asked each other's opinion about weird questions about disease that had certain smells associated with them. Around 7:30, I picked up Ada & Cory and we grabbed some ice cream at this new little place that Chris Anna showed me (its awesome - you get your ice cream & then the dude has around 20 types of candy that you can put on it), then headed back to watch CSI. I got home late and once again found that Jez has unconditional love. . .even though I was four hours late feeding her - she still acting happy to see me.

Yesterday, version 2 (which is still true) - after a late evening of hanging out with six of Lubbock's hottest single people, I awoke to find that I had drastically overslept. . .it was 8AM. I made my way to the West Wing of my manor which houses my quaint home office and worked there the remainder of the morning. I then packed up and moved to a stylish coffee shop, where I parked my kester and drowned myself in the exciting world of Klebsiella, Staphylococcus, & Listeria. I was there through four shift changes. . .which worked out well for me seeing as how I bought a drink at the beginning of happy hour for a measly 67 cents and refilled it three times - each time with a different person working the counter...well, I didn't want them to think I was cheap! I spent the rest of my evening crossing Lubbock to visit two of the hottest single guys in Lubbock -bachelor number one of them is an entrepreneur and bachelor number two is going to be a doctor. Ms. Ada accompanied me on my journey. . .and I think she had a thing for the entrepreneur, because she went back for a second look. I don't blame her though. . .have you ever heard of the term "eye candy?". . .well this dude had candy all around - no wonder she went back in! (yes dear, I know, you "accidently" forgot to get a spoon!. . .like we believe that!) We then made our way over to bachelor number two's house to watch CSI - Bachelor #1 may have candy, but Bachelor #2 has DVR. Jez is okay with my late night - well, after I promised her that I'd take her to see her boyfriend Bode today.

Oh the joys of Step 1 looming over your head & being crazy & having an outlet like Blogger to show your craziness to.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

We are NOT mutants

I dedicate this post to all my awesome single friends who are over the age of 22.

A few days ago I was sitting at SBs studing the exciting world of autonomic drugs. I was there for around 3 hours & had around six groups of people sitting in the next few tables. . .most of them are meeting to do a type of Bible Study - and yet after a few minutes of plesantries, each group has gotten into a discussion about the opposite sex - one girl swears she met the guy that God has planned for her to marry (I think she's known him for 2 weeks, but I'm not sure he knows her name yet. . .) one girl is having second thoughts about a recent break-up, and so forth, and so on. The overriding theme of these young college people kept being "I have to find 'the one' before I get out of college - because everyone else is getting married - so obviosuly I have to or I'll be some weird reject or something."

If that weren't enough - any time I go back home to a wedding or wedding shower, I get asked, "so when is your big day?" or "are you dating someone?" or "do you want to get married?" Again - the church society has the same overriding theme as the 21 year olds. . .people - chill out!

Just over the course of this past week I have studied with, ate dinner with, talked on the phone with, watched TV with, or just hung out with 11 different single people (five guys, six girls) ages 22-26. Each and every single one of them is smart, pretty/cute/hot, has an awesome personality, and each of them is wanting to dedicate their lives to giving back to this world we live in. None of these people are mutants - and they have all survived the graudation from college without a trip down the aisle. . .so dear all of you panicing undergrads at SBs. . .STOP. . .take a deep breath. . .trust God & QUIT worrying about it! Just think, I AM your worst case scenario (I'm 25 & single) - but unlike you - I have five HOT guys, and you only have one. . .so it is I who feel sorry for you.

P.S. Ms. Debbie, Rachel, Kaci & Lina - I know, I know, each of you have taken the plung over the past few months and have either started dating someone or are getting engaged. . .I'm happy for each of you. . .you are all also smart/pretty/great personality/dedicating your lives.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Refridgerator Incident

Landon's and my good friend Bobby is getting married this weekend, and he needs to get rid of a refridgerator. I was the obvious target. . .lets just say that I paid $30 for mine. . .and there was a reason for that. He offered to bring it over & install it - so I said "yes." It should be easy. . .well, it wasn't. Bobby & Derrick where awesome. . .all of the following things were done almost exclusivley by them. . .here is how it went down.

1. Must remove door from garage to kitchen because refridgerator is too wide.
2. Must move old refridgerator into dining room
3. Get refridgerator into laundry room only to find out that it won't fit through 2nd door. . .now we must push it back out & remove the dryer.
4. 2nd try. . .well, its still to wide - time for plan B: Boys plan B - go out garage, to front door, through living room, move the piano, into the kitchen ; Larissa's plan B - take off the doors to the refridgerator (yeah - I won this one)
5. Refridgetor fits through door & barely fits in the refidgerator hole. . .but it fits - now we've just got to plug it in. . .but the cord is short (meaning that the refridgerator must be VERY close to the back wall to be plugged in). . .this is a problem
6. Larissa's solution - remove the microwave from the cabinet so Bobby can lay across the cabinent and literally dive behind the refridgerator which we all hope that Derrick can hold long enough to get it plugged in & get Bobby out without squishing him.
7. Their persistance paid off. . .then all we (meaning they) had to do was: put the doors back on the refridgerator, put the old refridgerator in the garage, put the dryer back in the laundry room, and put the door back on.

Thank you Bobby & Derrick - you are both awesome!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Enjoying the simple things

In these crazy "study till you drop" weeks, I have found that I take pleasure in the simple things. . .these following things have made me smile over the past week. . .

1. Having "study dates" with good friends everyday, where we socialize 5% of the time & really study the other 95%

2. "IM"ing your friends while they are sitting less than 5 feet away from you (that way you can keep studying. . .you don't have to pull out your earphones and actually turn & talk to them)

3. Getting calls from your friends who really care

4. Getting calls from your friends who really care & who have preliminary/official dates (strange isn't it - I'm either annoyed or estatic at people who are getting married, but to my three friends in particular, I'm estatic!)

5. Friends who were away on vacation coming back to the big L & beginning to study. (welcome back Kirtana & Rianne. . .Ellen, seriously - come back! Lina - don't leave! everyone else - thanks for being solid!)

6. Season/series finales on TV. . .I haven't watched a single episode of many of these series - but the season finales are awesome!

7. Running in the park every morning & seeing my new friends. . .I don't know their names yet - but I see them every morning at 7:15am, and that gets me out of bed most mornings - 'cause I don't want to disappoint them.

Monday, May 15, 2006

A Blog about Not Blogging

Sometimes things happen in my life that are just hilarious - and they would make a marvelous blog - however I can't blog about them for whatever reason. Its kind of funny that this "personal online journal" thing isn't personal at all - so therefore it really isn't a journal either - its just a "this is written by me, and it is what happened, however my thoughts and feelings about it & other subject matters aren't posted because I don't know (or sometimes I do know) who is going to read this."

Aghh well. . .I have to get back to sympathomimetics. . .here is my true feelings about it - "its kind of fun & I enjoy making up stories about them to help me remeber them. . .however I was supposed to finish them last night, so today they are just reminding me of how I slacked off last night and watched recorded television for 2 hours after I got home which translated into me going to bed two hours late, which translated into me getting up 2 hours late (& thus start studying two hours late), and thus even posting this blog is keeping me a little behind.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

getting older - its not that bad

Yesterday was a slight monument in my life - my cousin Rachel graduated from college, leaving me as the lone grandchild (with the exception of the two under age 13) who is still in school...but that is okay.

My youngest brother, Landon, who has been in the working world for a mere three weeks, my mom & I all went and ate at a Three Star Resturant last night for mother's day - and we had appetizers, a steak meal & dessert. . .and Landon picked up the bill.

Last night was beautiful - mid 70s with a light breeze. . .and we enjoyed it sitting on the porch with a family who is our lifetime friends. . .I'm old enough to have lifetime friends! Our parents were friends, their kids (us) are friends & I'm sure that our kids will be friends.

Lastly - I know that I'm getting older because I had to go to bed first last night, even when there were still "extra" people at my house. . .this event of course has transpired into me being the first one up (by a LONG shot) - but thats okay. . .I have Step 1 to keep me occupied. Happy Mother's Day! (I'll tell my mom that when she wakes up in two hours!)

Friday, May 12, 2006

New Link

Hey blog reader people,

I've added a new link - it is to my xanga site where I post my retarted pictures that I draw to help me remember "high yield" USMLE stuff. My Friday is not so "bueno" - I've been to Wal-Mart twice! My mom & little brother are coming in town for graduation, however my 12 hour study schedule has not allowed me time to deep clean my "straight, yet not good enough for my mother" house. . .and I have done very little on Step 1 stuff thus far today. Oh well. . .enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Xanga down?

Okay - so I have a captive audience. . .well, thoes of you who check everyone's blog before you start studying. So now I can say something astounding & you'll all read it since I'm the only blog you can get to. . .so. . .here it is. . .ummmmmm. . .well. . . . . yeah, I've got nothing!

Wisdom from taking Qbank practice exams - if there are 5 answer choices & you haven't ever heard of 4 of them, choose the one you know - unless of course, you know that it is the wrong answer - then just listen to that little voice in your head or guess randomly.

P.S. I got my schedule for 3rd year yesterday (of course 2 hours later I got an email saying that they were going to have to re-do the schedule. . .but I hope it doesn't affect me because I LOVE mine). It is: Surgery, Family Medicine, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, OB/GYN, Internal Medicine.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

get your ducks in a row

this post is dedicated to my friend/trainer Rianne - I'm running again. . .whoo-ho!

I decided to "tweak" my summer study schedule by getting up 45 minutes earlier so that I could add some sort of physical activity in my daily 16-hour schedule. This morning Jez & I made it to the park around 7:30a and began. I meet three interesting groups of people.

1. The lady who is on chemotherapy was back - she hasn't regained any of her hair. . .but I can tell that she's stronger. . .she walked longer & faster than I did!

2. An older Chineseman - he had stopped and put something on the park bench; when he saw Jez & I running around the corner, he came over to me and explained that his dog died yesterday - so he was putting the extra food there on the bench...he told me I could have it. (I'm almost out of Jez's food. . .and her "daddy" always bought her the most expensive kind - so this was one of God's little blessings.)

3. Three "friends" who waddled all the way around the track. . .they didn't have a care in the world - Jez & I had to go around them twice. . .they took up the entire width of the track and just walked around once. . .I guess it was their morning routine. . .they were ducks!!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


While studying behavioral science, I diagnosed my mom with Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) - which is characterized by people who are perfectionist, "set in their ways" and "don't like change: and people who think their way is "the only way to do things."; she wanted me to expalin the difference between OCPD and OCD (plain ole' obessive compussive disorder.) I told her that OCD was people who had a mental imbalance and therefore were compelled to do things such as check the lock 40 times, wash their hands excessively, and so on. She's kind of a smart aleck - so she said, "So I have OCPD, and you have OCD." Funny mom, funny. . .however, there may be a hint of truth in that. . .for instance my first ten minutes at SBs today was spent:

Order: Large Low-Carb Chai Latte with Soy in a to-go cup, ice water in a white styrofoam cup, and an empty coffee cup.

Table Search: booths were taken, two tables by plugs - so I took the one that faced east/west; I didn't want to sit facing north/south.

Table Rearrange: it was faced perpidicular to me; I had to change it to parallell

Table Add on: I literally picked up a table from the middle of the store & toted over to my area (I had to find the one that was the same size as mine)

Plug: the plug must run behind my computer - therefore I had to face east.

What do you think? OCD or Crazy Medical Student or a little bit of both?

Monday, May 08, 2006

Diligence & Thanks

Dear God,

Please help me to be diligent in my studying for Step 1. Help me to get up to my alarm, walk into the office & actually sit down & start studying. Help me to retain what I go over & let the information I learn be useful. Help me make the most out of my 31 days.


P.S. Thank you for my friends - thank you for letting Rianne, Ada, Cory & Bode find a house; thanks for allowing Ellen & I to both be in church yesterday morning & ate lunch together ('cause she's gonna be gone for awhile, so it was good to be able to spend time with her). Thank you for Elizabeth & her husband Kyle who was able to help me out on the fly & watch Jez (even after I called & woke him up early Sunday morning.) Thank you for Ryan & Mark voluntering to come over & patch my fence yesterday afternoon (the fence was broken courtsey of Jezabell, who most likely planned it because she's got a crush on Ryan!) Thank you for Chris Anna, who has ruined my sad little story about "all my best friends are moving away in a month" rant - I'm so happy you'll be in town & thanks for the awesome "study break" last night.

Thank you for all my other friends too - I would list them out, but I'm afraid I'll miss someone - so I'll just list the ones who may read my blog: Rachel, Kaci, Debbie, Stephanie, Lina, Kelly, Kirtana, Charles (yes, I know you read this! you're in my prayers!); If I missed your name, its just because I don't think you read this - please post a comment & then I'll add you - and I'll also add you to my list of "people I can't make fun of on my blog 'cause they'll read about it & know." (just kidding!)

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Panic Avoided

I just found out that my Step 1 exam is scheduled two days before I thought it was. . .I've been telling everyone that it was on June 14th - but thankfully I have good friends who write these things down for me, and Rachel had it written down that it was on June 12th - after searching for the conformation email - she was right. . .it is June 12th. . .AGHHHHHH!. . .breath. . .go to bed. . .study tomorrow & the next day & the next day. . .

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I'm not a relaxer!

On my make-believe schedule - this morning was supposed to be my "day off" - but its driving me crazy because I've got nothing to do. I've already cleaned my house ('cause some of my peeps were over here on Saturday), I don't have to go to any stores (did that yesterday), my car is already fixed (I did that on Monday - "almost" all by myself), I don't have to start studying for my LAST exam yet (we're gonna do that this afternoon). . .so what am I supposed to do?

Aghhh. . .hey I actually had "plans" last night - and it was awesome! I hit the Sagewood tour and ran into my newly married friends (Jeff & Jearlyn) as I drove in, ate dinner at Ellen's, watched some TV at Ada's place (by the way - I love the "queen of Sheba" couch thingy!), toured Cory's place, went back to Ellen's for some wild fun (Phase 10 - which I must say, that Mr. "I know I look good in my "holey" jeans, thats why I wear them" did get skipped more than his fare share - even by Miss Super Nice Lina), and then came home to find out that my dog really is an Angel and did not tear up anything in the garage. (it was supposed to storm terribly, so I put her in there to protect her from the scary "golfball sized hail.")

Ok, ok. . .I'm going to go get ready for the rest of my acutally "planned day" (which yes, includes a coffee shop & studying!) God Bless!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Just for the record

It is currently 4:49am - I've been up since 4:07am. . .which is actually 2 hours and 7 minutes later than when I wanted to get up. . .sometime in the near future I'm going to dedicate a post to all my dearest friends who are being big losers and moving to El Paso (Ada, Cory, Rianne, Kelly & Kirtana) or Amarillo (Ellen & Lina) in about a month - but until then, "happy cramming pharm!"