Eat. Pray. Love. Laugh. Live.

DISCLAIMER: The thoughts, words and messages contained in this blog ARE reflective of the thoughts words and messages of the author - whom, by the way, is pretty much awesome.

Friday, September 29, 2006

"So you've had a bad day"

So I came to Sugar Browns this morning to get some reading done. . .and I'm in a bad mood - which has just made everything else so much worse. Here's what has happened:

  • I had to call and leave a "power move" message to a repairman who thinks that he can take advantage of me (in the "you paid me but ha ha I'm not gonna finish the work" kind of way)
  • My favorite pair of earphones are MIA - so therefore I'm currently wearing a pair that I have to shove all the way back to my tempanic membrane to get them to stay
  • I had a fight with the ink cartridge on my stupid printer - and was defeated miserably.
  • My internet at home is NOT working
So now I'm at Sugar Browns after an eventful morning and this is what happens:

  • I ordered a Strawberry Dacquri. . .then when the new guy looks at me stupidly and says "uh. . .we don't serve those here" I argue with him and say "yes you have, I've had one before." The guy training him was - of course - the owner. . .who says "ummm. . .who exactly has served you a strawberry dacquri before?" Thankfully I glance up at the bord to find the item on the bord & realize that I mean a "strawberry smoothie"
  • Two dudes next to me are having their Friday morning heart-to-heart & are being girls. . .well at least they are talking about girls. . .and at one point they decide that they need a girls opinion about something - so they jump up to find their target. . .and unfortunatley I'm the only female in the joint. . .even worse - dude #2 says "hey, aren't you in my freshman history class?" my reply "that depends. . .did you take freshman history in 1999?" Dude #1 "hey (dude #2) - I think we need to get this information from someone who can identify with us - you know, someone who isn't thirty."

Speaking of the big Three-OOOO - my eldest brother's 30th birthday is tomorrow. . .so Happy Birthday Leslie! Enjoy the big NOSE tissue box I got you!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Repairman & The Mitral Valve

So my stovetop is broken. . .actually its been broken for over a month, but when you are on surgery - you don't care. Now that surgery is done & the weather is turning cooler. . .and all one can think about is grilled cheese and soup (those are my two specialities) - I am now thinking about the stove & yearning for the magic of turning the button on the stove & magical heat coming off of the burners. . .so I got out the old trusty yellow pages (which by the way, my household has 3 identical HUGE yellow pages books and NOT a single white pages book. . .intreging!) and looked up "appliances." I scientifically picked my repairman (by seeing whose ad was most attractive without looking too busy) & picked a guy named Earl.

Fastforward. . .Earl has been over to my house the past two days (he's a cute, sweet little grandpa). . .and if you (the reader) know me at all - it won't suprise you that I began chatting with this fellow & thus now know his life story. . .most interestingly his medical history concerning his recent valve replacement surgery. We discused the advantages of procine vs mechanical vs synthetic valves this morning. . .then, since I'm a dork & NOT shy at all, I asked him "would you mind if I listened to your new mitral valve. . .I've never heard a mechanical one before?" Earl was gracious & let me listen. . .then the strangest thing happened. . .as he left my house off to his next appointment with Mrs. Gray's cranky washing machine, he stopped, turned back & gave me a hug & said "thanks for listening to my heart. . .you're a wonderful doctor."

I just wonder - did I make an impression on him. . .or was he just excited that my oven ended up having two things wrong with it?

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Surgery - CHECK

So, I am officially finished with Surgery. . .whewwwww. . .they say thats the toughest one! Afterwards, I've realized that I really liked surgery - enough that its gonna be on my "possibilities" list.

So, I'm officially taking this rotation off. . .an awesome opportunity to do a medical mission trip in Honduras came up & after talking with our Dean of Student Affairs & finding out that I am excused from one fourth year rotation due to my MD/MBA status, I took this rotation off so that I could climb up a mountain with gear on my back in a foreign country where I barely speak any of their language. I am supposed to be the "expert" medical provider on the mountain team. . .which is scary since the majority of my "medical experience" has been as the observor on a trauma surgery team! Oh well. We leave in October - so until then I'm living the antithesis of the surgery life. . .I'm getting up at 8AM & I have every weekend off (oh, and every Monday, Tues, ect. . . 0ff too).

"Don't cry for me Argentina!"