Eat. Pray. Love. Laugh. Live.

DISCLAIMER: The thoughts, words and messages contained in this blog ARE reflective of the thoughts words and messages of the author - whom, by the way, is pretty much awesome.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Life isn't fair - but then again, what did ya expect?

Sorry about my blogging hiatus - it wasn't for a lack of stuff not happening. . .in fact, quite the opposite - so much has happened over the last months. I *think* I have a new choice of speciality for my medical carrear (switching from Emergency Medicine to Family Medicine). I also was the victim of a crime. . .identity theft. I was out celebrating my friend Lara's graduation, and when the waiter swiped my credit card - it was flagged. Hmm. . .thats odd. But not as odd as getting random packages in the mail over the next few days. . .first I got Hoodia, a weight loss drug, then it was Vitalis, a male enhancement drug (which I certainly did NOT order), then it was a nutritional suppliment, then it was an order of two books. . .all of which said "no payment is necessary - you card has been charged." I got in contact with my credit card company about these supicious 5 or so charges. . .yeah - turns out there were actually over 20 fradulant charges in that period of three days. . .thankfully there is a no fault clause in my credit card agreement. . .everything is cool now - and I randomly have drugs & books that I get to keep - oh joy!

This month I am off & trying to study for my USMLE funness (I'll blog about this later - I promise.) Next month I'll be in Illinois taking an exciting class - hooray. . .yeah - not too excited about that. . .and certainly not too excited about having to drive over 15 hours by myself either. I pray that all of you are well! God is good & soverign. . .I still believe that.